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Coven of Summoning

Coven of Summoning

Witches who join the coven of summoning feel an intrinsic connection to the various conjured spirits that aid them. To these witches, a summoned entity is more than simply a tool for a goal; it is a part of their very being.

Summoning and Animating: A Difference Features in this coven explicitly describing spells that summon other creatures. It is important to differentiate between something being summoned versus being animated. For example, the find familiar spell summons a creature, while the animate dead spell animates an existing object (in this case, a corpse or pile of bones) and the object then becomes a creature. Witches in this coven are connecting to summoned beings from conjuration spells, and have no particular sway over animated creations.

Summoning Spells

Spell Levels



unseen servant, feather fall


web, enlarge/reduce


magic circle, phantom steed


faithful hound, secret chest


awaken, planar binding

Familiar Friend

Starting at 3rd level, you have developed a bond with a specific familiar. You learn the find familiar spell if you do not know it already, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you know. When you cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one of the following special forms: imp, darkmantle, dretch, or giant centipede.

When you cast a conjuration spell of 1st-level or higher, one of the summoned creatures receives the following changes:

• If the summoned creature forces a target to make a saving throw, it uses your spell save DC.

• Its proficiency bonus becomes equal to your proficiency bonus.

• Its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws are equal to your saving throws unless its saving throw is higher.

You also gain access to a unique hex that can be entered into your Enchiridion.


You place a magical hex upon the ground to    beckon your familiar. As an action, choose an    unoccupied space you can see within 10 feet of    you. Your familiar instantly appears with full health in the space.

Once you have used this hex, you cannot do so    again until you complete a long rest.

Summoned Cavalry

At 6th level, you and your familiar are even stronger as a unit, and you can call upon more spirits to aid you. You learn the find steed spell if you do not know it already, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you know. When you cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal forms for your steed or one of the following special forms: dire wolf, giant hyena, giant spider, or giant toad.

In addition, a creature affected by your Familiar Friend feature receives the following changes:

• The creature’s hit point maximum equals half your hit point maximum, unless its hit point maximum is higher already.

• The creature’s Armor Class equals 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus while it’s not wearing any barding or armor, unless its AC is higher already.

• As a bonus action, you can command the creature to make one melee attack with its reaction.

• The creature's weapon attacks are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming immunity and resistance to nonmagical attacks.

Master Conjurer

At 10th level, your knowledge of summoning creatures is unparalleled. Any conjuration spell of 1st-level or higher with the word “Conjure,” “Summon,” or “Find” is added to your spell list, if it is not there already.

In addition, you have advantage on all Constitution saving throws while you are concentrating on a conjuration spell of 1st-level or higher.

Peak Summons

Beginning at 14th level, your summons have reached their zenith, and have a variety of additional benefits. Any creature you summon through a conjuration spell of 1st-level or higher receives the following benefits:

• The creature is summoned with temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier.

• The creature adds your Intelligence modifier to its weapon damage rolls.

• When you cast a spell that affects only one creature you summoned, you can choose another creature you summoned within 5 feet of it to also be the target of the spell.

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