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Coven of Alchemy

Coven of Alchemy

Those who join this coven are experts at crafting potions, oils, and other useful alchemical concoctions. These alchemists use their magic to give life to incredibly potent brews that combine years of hard work and training with newfound techniques and mixtures. Alchemy is the oldest of witch covens, having started with the earliest hags and crones toiling away at their cauldrons.

Alchemy Spells

Spell Levels



healing word, ray of enfeeblement


lesser restoration, blindness/deafness


nondetection, tongues


blight, death ward


antilife shell, contagion

Infused Elixir

Starting at 3rd level, you can create an elixir infused with some of your magic at the end of a long rest. When you do, choose a spell on your Coven Spell list to infuse into the elixir. When a creature consumes the potion as a bonus action, they gain the effects of the spell infused into it. If the spell normally requires an attack roll, it instead requires a Constitution saving throw equal to your witch spell save DC.

When you take a short rest and have a set of Alchemist Supplies on hand, you can create another infused elixir. During this time, you can store a spell on your Coven Spell table into the elixir by casting it as part of creating an infused elixir. The spell being stored must be of a level you can cast from your Coven Spells table and has no immediate effect when cast in this way.

You must have or expend any requisite material components at the time you create an elixir. Any elixir you create with this feature lasts until it is drunk or until the end of your next long rest.

Alchemist’s Protection

At 6th level, you are fortified against the harsh acids and toxic substances that come with working with such alchemical components. You gain resistance to poison and acid damage and have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned. If you have either of these resistances from another source, you may use your reaction to reduce incoming poison or acid damage by 1d6.


Starting at 10th level, you have meticulously coated your cauldron’s interior with an array of alchemical substances, akin to the seasoned touch of a master chef with a cast iron skillet. To this end, you have a pool of cauldron points equal to your witch level. You regain all expended cauldron points when you finish a long rest. When you complete a short or long rest, you can expend any number of cauldron points to create a potion. The potions available for you to brew are shown on the Cauldron Potions table below. These potions retain potency until the end of your long rest, after which they become inert.

If a potion requires a saving throw, it uses your spell save DC.


Cauldron Points

Potion of Animal Friendship


Potion of Animal Speaking*


Potion of Climbing


Potion of Fluttering Silence*


Potion of Growth


Potion of Healing


Potion of Mind Reading


Potion of Protection from Divinity*


Potion of Radiant Glow*


Potion of Water Breathing


Oil of Slipperiness


Philter of Love


Potion of Greater Healing


Potion of Heroism


Potion of Resistance


Moonwater Elixir*


Potion of Clairvoyance


Potion of Clairvoyance


Potion of Diminution


Potion of Gaseous Form


Potion of Hill Giant Strength


Oil of Etherealness


Potion of Flying


Potion of Invisibility


Potion of Speed


*Indicates New Potion

Alchemical Mastery

Beginning at 14th level, you have learned to suffuse even greater restorative magics into your potions. You gain the following benefits:

• Whenever you create a potion or elixir, you can allow for the creature who drinks it to gain temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point). These temporary hit points can be added to any temporary hit points the potion or elixir already provides.

• You are immune to the poisoned condition

• When you create an infused elixir, you can act as if the greater restoration and heal spell are on your Coven Spells list. The first time you make an infused elixir each day with either of these spells, you do not need to provide the material components.

New Potions

The following new potions are listed in alphabetical order.

Potion of Animal Speaking

Potion, common

After you consume this potion, you gain the benefits of the speak with animals for the next hour.

Potion of Fluttering Silence

Potion, uncommon

When you drink this potion, which appears like a contained superfluid, your ears detach from your head and flutter away into the Astral Sea. You become the center of a 20-foot radius sphere of magical silence. The effect moves with you, and lasts for 1 minute.

After the effect ends, you quickly grow new ears.

Potion of Protection from Divinity

Potion, uncommon

After drinking this potion, you are magically protected against paladins, clerics, and celestials for the next hour. These creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against you, and you can't be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them. If you are already charmed, frightened, or possessed by one of these creatures, you have advantage on any new saving throw against the effect.

Potion of Radiant Glow

Potion, common

After drinking this faintly glowing potion, you shed light for 1 hour. You shed bright radiant light of your color choice in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.

Moonwater Elixir

Potion, rare

This water has been blessed by a high priestess of Ofra, Sorcerer of the Great Moon. When you consume this sparkling effervescent potion, you gain 10 temporary hit points. Additionally, for the next hour, whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.

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