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Special Bullets

Special Bullets

Special Bullets

In the modern age, the ammunition used for firearms has evolved. Bullets with self contained powder that can be easily stored and carried have been invented by the innovative Earth humans. In the System, Earth humans have developed a variety of unique bullets that their modern firearms can utilize.

Armor Piercing

These bullets ignore resistance and immunity to nonmagical piercing damage, but are not magical themselves. In addition, if this bullet is used to attack a vehicle, it ignores the vehicle's damage threshold.


When you make a ranged weapon attack with a firearm using this ammunition, no projectile is fired, but the sound of blank ammunition is the same as a normal ammunition. A creature must have a passive insight of 13 or higher, or make a DC 13 Insight check, to determine if the bullet fired was a blank.


This bullet can hold 1 ounce of powder or liquid. The substance contained within is released after the ammunition impacts a surface.

Hollow Point

When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack with a firearm using these bullets, the attack deals an extra 1d4 piercing damage at start of creature’s next turn.


When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack with a firearm using these bullets, the attack deals an additional 1d4 fire damage (this fire is nonmagical).


When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack with a firearm using these bullets, they are marked with a 1-2 inch diameter splatter of paint.


When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack with a firearm using these bullets, if the target is a creature, they must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be Blinded until the end of their next turn.


These bullets have a tiny mechanical device inside, allowing it to damage creatures in tune with the Ethereal Plane. When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack with a firearm using these bullets, the attack counts as magical if the creature can travel to the Ethereal Plane at will.


These bullets are exclusively used with Shotgun firearm types. When you use the spray property of a firearm when attacking with these bullets, the weapon’s damage type is fire, rather than piercing.


When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack with a firearm using these bullets, the damage is nonlethal, and if the target is a creature, its movement speed is reduced by 5 feet. A target cannot have their movement speed reduced more than once per turn.


When you make an attack roll with a Rifle or Mounted firearm using these bullets, you gain a +1 to attack rolls.


When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack with a firearm using these bullets, the attack deals an additional 1d4 lightning damage. Additionally, a construct made of metal must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the start of its next turn. A construct can only be subject to this effect once per turn.

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