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New Modern Equipment

New Modern Equipment

Equipment and Gear

While this new equipment is designed and created for the Ambassador class, these items can be used in any campaign setting and are useable by any class if your GM's setting allows.

Ambassador’s Assistant


An ambassador’s assistant is a small robotic sphere, about 8 inches across, reinforced with titanium and depleted uranium. The assistant will only activate when an ambassador uses an action to turn the assistant on, and will follow the orders of that Ambassador. It will then hover within 5 feet of the activating ambassador at all times. As an action, an ambassador can transfer ownership of the assistant to another ambassador.

Semi-Sentience. An ambassador’s assistant is a semi-sentient item of any alignment with an Intelligence of 16, a Wisdom of 14, and a Charisma of 14 and has Thermalvision. It communicates verbally with you and can speak, read, and understand any language it knows (see “Programmed Properties” below)

Life Support. Whenever you end your turn with 0 hit points, the assistant can use its action to stabilize you. The assistant can use this action three times and regains all expended uses every 24 hours.

Programmed Properties. An assistant has the following properties:

Languages. The assistant knows Common, and five other languages decided by the GM. If an assistant knows fewer than six languages, it can learn a new language after it hears or reads the language. When it hears a new language and already knows six languages, it can replace one language it knows with the new language. Once the assistant has used this feature it cannot do so again until 24 hours have passed.

Skills. The assistant has a +7 bonus to one of the following skills: Arcana, History, Religion, or Nature.

Scanners. The assistant has either an Arcane Scanner or Outsiders Scanner (decided by the GM). The Arcane scanner allows the assistant to replicate the effects of detect magic at will, while the Outsiders Scanner allows the assistant to replicate the effects of the detect evil and good spell at will.

Personality. An assistant is programmed to advise and assist the ambassador that activated it. One of the basic functions of an assistant is to serve as a translator, and readily provide cataloged information. The assistant’s properties are ultimately under its control, and if you have a bad relationship with your assistant, it might refuse to assist you in a huff.

Adjustable Watch


While wearing this watch you are able to determine the time even underground or in absence of sunlight. If in space, the watch will reveal the time at the last location you were on a world.

Advanced Deployment Codes


This access code can be used to call down more advanced versions of your Orbital Deployments. The saving throw DC of your Orbital Deployment increases by one and you can call down a use of your Orbital Deployment without expending one of the feature’s uses. You can only have access to one set of Advanced Deployment Codes at a time.

Ambassador’s Cape


This cape signifies your rank as a seasoned and well-trained Ambassador. It signifies your home planet, nation, and rank within respective military organizations. It seems to billow dramatically at just the right time.

Anti-Grav Boots


These boots are designed to negate the effects of gravity for the wearer. The boots have three charges and regains all expended charges after it has recharged at a charging station for 8 hours. As an action you can expend a charge to replicate the effects of the levitate spell on yourself.

Armory Terminal


This device weighs roughly 1000 pounds and is typically built into a building or structure, or freestanding in the middle of a populous city. An Ambassador can enter a private code to access various pieces of nonmagical equipment. Items purchased this way with gold pieces have the gold deposited into a slot on the side of the terminal that weighs and verifies the platinum, gold, electrum, silver, and copper deposited.

Non-ambassadors that attempt to access the terminal and bypass its restrictions could have local authorities alerted to their attempts by a silent alarm.

Items available to purchase on the terminal are decided by your GM, but typically include all nonmagical items available in the Basic Rules, as well as items described in the Armory Section.

Backpack Recharge Station (BRS)


This recharge station is sleek and lightweight, weighing nearly half as much as a normal recharge station. This can be worn like a backpack, and is capable of recharging certain devices while on the go, and not needing to be carried on a vehicle. If a device can be recharged at a Backpack Recharge Station (BRS), it will say so in the item description.

Cel-Sat Phone


This device is capable of contacting any other Cellular Sat-Phone in the same world as you, or directly to a ship in orbit as the same planet as you. It is also capable of capturing up to one hundred images, ten audio recordings of one minute or less, and ten video recordings of thirty seconds or less. This device also acts as an Interplanetary Index.

The phone can be used for up to 4 hours before needing to be charged at a recharge station for 8 hours. This can be charged at a BRS.



Can tell the direction you are facing at all times, provided you are on a world with a magnetic pole.

Deadeye Visor


While wearing this visor, you ignore the effects of attacking at long range with ranged weapons.

Electrical Torch


This device is roughly 1 foot long and weighs 3 pounds. It produces a 60-foot cone of bright light, and dim light for an additional 15 feet. It can provide light for up to 4 hours, after which it must recharge for 8 hours at a recharge station. This can be charged at a BRS.

Emergency Flare


A flare is a one foot long, brightly colored stick with a small cap at the top. You can strike the bottom of the flare as an action, causing it to burst into a colored flame, matching that of the stick. This flame burns for 10 minutes, emitting a 40-foot radius of bright light and dim light for an additional 40 feet. A flare will still burn underwater or in a vacuum.

Emergency Shield


This device is roughly the size of a brooch and can be placed anywhere on your clothes. As a reaction, when you are hit by an attack you can activate the emergency shield, granting you a +5 bonus to your AC against the triggering attack and until the start of your next turn. Alternatively, when you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you gain resistance to the triggering damage’s type until the start of your next turn.

Once the emergency shield has been activated, it cannot be used again for 24 hours

Ethereal Entrapment Bank (EEB)


An EEB is typically the size of a 15’ x 15’ square vault and stored either on a ship (sea, land, or space) or in the basement of a building. No matter where it is placed, it is required to be powered by an electrical power source at all times. As an action, a Proton-Charged Ethereal Entrapment device can be inserted into the receiving slot, and deposit all Undead stored within the PCE. Once stored in the bank, Undead cannot make a saving throw to be released, and are forever stored in the extradimensional space within the bank.

As an action, a creature can turn off power to the bank. If the bank remains powered off for 24 consecutive hours, the extradimensional space collapses and all undead within the bank appear in the nearest unoccupied space of the EEB.

Expanded Field Generator


As an action, you can activate this protective barrier in a 30-foot radius from yourself. Creatures within the barrier gain full cover from ranged weapon attacks originating from outside the barrier. The field lasts for one minute and requires you to use your bonus action on each of their turns to maintain the barrier. If you use your bonus action for anything else, or lose concentration on this effect (as if it were a spell) the barrier falls. Once used, cannot be used again until it recharges for 8 hours at a Recharge Station.

Grappling Gun


This piece of equipment can be loaded with up to a 100-foot length of rope with a grappling hook attached to the end. When the rope and hook are loaded into the gun as a bonus action, you may use your action to shoot the grappling hook to any point you can see within the length of the rope. The grappling hook will latch onto a ledge. If there is no ledge and the point selected was a flat surface, the gun forcefully implants the hook into rock and stone and creates an anchor point for the rope to be climbed. The anchor can support up to 500 pounds of weight.

GTS Communicator


The ground-to-ship communicator is a simple device about the size of a book. While turned on and with a ship's communication code is entered, you can directly communicate to a ship in orbit of a planet you are on for 1 minute at a time.

Interplanetary Index


While you have the Index on your person you have advantage on Intelligence (History) checks to recall information about geological features about the world you are currently on, as well as checks to recall international political events such as wars, peace treaties, and annexations.

Iodine Tablets

(Set of 10), 1sp

Iodine tablets purify all drinking water if boiled for 10 minutes.



This device is the shape of a backpack and can be worn and carried by a Medium or Small creature. While wearing it on your back, you can use your bonus action to gain a flying speed of 30 feet. This effect ends after 1 hour or you end the effect as a bonus action. After the jetpack has been used for one hour it can’t be used until it recharges at a recharge station for 8 hours.

Jetpack, Emergency Ejection


This jetpack comes with an emergency ejection feature. As a reaction when you would fall while wearing the jetpack, you can eject a parachute, granting you the effects of the feather fall spell. Once used, you cannot use this feature again until you spend 15 minutes repacking the parachute into the jetpack.



This device produces a small flame as a bonus action, which you can use to light a candle, torch, or campfire.

First Aid Kit


This kit contains miscellaneous medical supplies and stimulants to help bring someone back from the brink of death. The first aid kit has three charges. As an action a creature can expend one charge to heal a dying creature 1d8+2 hit points, or stabilize them. Once a creature has regained hit points from a first aid kit they cannot regain hit points from a one again until they have completed a short or long rest.

Medical Needle


This syringe has a small needle at the end of it which can directly inject a substance into a creature’s bloodstream. You can load a liquid, such as a potion of healing or basic poison, into a medical needle as a bonus action. As an action, you can attempt to inject the potion or other substance into an unwilling creature. You must make a melee weapon attack, treating the needle as an improvised weapon.



This device has three charges and regains all charges after it has recharged at a charging station for 8 hours. As an action you can expend a charge and be given the location of any explosive devices within 120 feet of you. This includes explosive runes from the glyph of warding spells or symbol spells.



This multitool contains a plethora of miniature tools: small knives of various sizes, a small hammer, screwdrivers, a file, a bottle opener, a small saw, a wrench, a can opener, a wire-cutter, and a small set of pliers. Earth Humans have thanked the people known as the Swiss for their ingenuity in this regard.

Portable Entertainment System (PES)


This entertainment system can be used to entertain a creature during a short or long rest with various riddles, puzzles, and stimulating activities. If a creature uses the PES for 1 hour during a short or long rest, they gain a +1 bonus to their first attack roll after the rest.

Protective Field Generator


As an action, you can activate this protective barrier in a ten foot radius from yourself. Creatures within the barrier gain half cover from ranged attacks originating from outside the barrier. The field lasts until the end of your next turn and cannot be used again until it recharges for 1 hour at a Recharge Station. This device can also be charged on a BRS.

Proton-Charged Ethereal Entrapment (PCE)


The PCE is the size of a large tome, and has a red and green light affixed to it to indicate whether the trap is active or charging. As an action you can throw the PCE to an unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet of you. The trap opens, and all Undead within 10 feet of the trap that can enter the Ethereal plane at will must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw. Undead with less than a quarter of their maximum hit points have disadvantage on this saving throw. On a failure, creatures are banished inside an extradimensional space held within the trap. All of the undead are held within the same extradimensional space and can repeat this saving throw once every 24 hours. Once you have used the PCE in this way, it cannot be used again until it has charged at a Recharge Station for 8 hours. This device can also be charged on a BRS.

Once one or more undead are stored in the PCE, it cannot be used again until extradimensional space is empty of any undead. As an action, you can release any undead within the PCE back into the Ethereal plane, or deposit them into an Ethereal Entrapment Bank.

Power Armor


Power Armor is a highly advanced set of plate armor that’s existence is rumored among ambassadors. Kept locked away in the most secure United League of Nations vault, this suit of armor is steel-gray in color and covers the entire body from head to toe. Embedded within the helm of this device is a short range communicator and Cell-Sat Phone.

While wearing this armor, you gain the following benefits:

• You have a +1 bonus to AC.

• Your Strength score is 21 (this has no effect if your Strength is already 21 or higher).

• You have advantage on strength saving throws.

• You gain a flying speed of 40 feet.

The armor has further capabilities that can be powered by fuel cells. A fuel cell can be inserted into the armor as an action and provides 20 charges if full. You can use a bonus action to draw power from a fuel cell to gain one of the following benefits:

Force Field. Emit a force field with 10 hit points (1 charge). Whenever you take damage, the force field takes the damage instead. If this damage reduces the force field to 0 hit points, you take any remaining damage. The force field can have a maximum of 10 hit points at any time.

Boosters. Activate boosters to double your flying speed for 1 minute (1 charge).

Fire Laser. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 120 feet, one target. Hit: 2d6 radiant damage (1 charge).

Fire Missiles. Fire auto-locking missile replicating the effects of the magic missile spell, dealing radiant damage instead of force (1 charge per level of the spell replicated, up to 5th).

Translate. Translate any writing you can see in any nonmagical language, to a total of one thousand words over 1 minute (1 charge).

Seal. Seal the suit, allowing it to act like a Space Suit for 1 hour (1 charge).

Thermalvision. Gain thermalvision to a range of 60 feet for up to 1 hour (1 charge).

Overclock. You can expend a charge from this piece of equipment even if there are none left. When you do, you take fire damage equal to one roll of your largest hit die and must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you gain one level of exhaustion.

The armor can accept only one energy cell at a time and is found with one full fuel cell attached. If a partially used fuel-cell is inserted, roll 2d10 to determine how many charges are remaining.

Recharge Station


This device is the size of a standard chest but weighs 100 pounds. It is capable of recharging up to five devices that need to be recharged, over the duration of which the device must be recharged. The station is heavy and bulky, and can only charge devices over the course of a short or long rest unless it is being carried on a vehicle such as a cart, carriage, or ship.

Rocket Attachments


This attachment can be placed on a simple or martial melee weapon with the Heavy or Two-handed property with a set of Smith’s Tools or Tinker’s Tools over the course of 1 hour. You must be proficient with either of these tools to attach this to a weapon yourself. Once attached, the weapon deals an additional 1d4 damage of its type once per turn.

Short Range Messenger

(Set of 2), 200gp

Allows communication between users in a 1-mile range. Users may speak in a low whisper and be heard by the other user.

If multiple sets are purchased, up to 6 of these communicators can be interlinked with one another, allowing simultaneous communication to all messengers connected.

Sidearm Holster


A holster is a holder which allows a firearm that lacks the Two-Handed property to be carried on a belt or under the arm. This does not grant the weapon the concealed property.

Sorting Bot


This tiny, self-sufficient robot is designed to quickly count and tally minted coins. As an action, you can activate the robot to replicate the effects of the detect currency spell.

Space Suit


This bulky suit fully encases your head and body and takes 1 minute to don or doff. While worn, your AC is 13 + Your Dexterity modifier, and it enables you to breathe and survive in an airless environment or vacuum and renders you immune to the harmful effects of any gas that surrounds you. The suit also grants you a flying speed equal to your walking speed in an environment with no gravity.

The Monster


This drink contains excessive levels of sugar and caffeine, enough to suppress the effects of exhaustion for a short time. After consuming this drink as an action, your exhaustion level temporarily reduces by 1. You can only be under the effects of one Monster at a time. If you consume another Monster before the end of your next long rest, you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw after consuming the drink. On a failure, you gain no benefits from the drink and become poisoned for 1 hour.

Thermal Goggles


While wearing these googles you have thermalvision out to a range of 60 feet.

Thermalvision. A monster with thermalvision can see living creatures other than constructs and undead through darkness and heavily obscured conditions, such as fog or smoke. However, the monster can't discern color, nor use this sense to see through illusions, invisibility, or magical darkness. This sense is blocked by one inch of any solid barrier. Many nonmagical constructs have this special sense.

Threat Detector


This handheld device has three charges and regains all expended charges when it recharges for 8 hours at a Recharge Station. This device can also be charged on a BRS. As an action you can expend a charge while holding the detector and point it at a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. You learn the Challenge Rating of the creature and if it is a beast, construct, dragon, giant, humanoid, monstrosity, or undead you learn the name of the type of creature it is, but not its name (for example, if you pointed the detector at Strahd von Baravich, you would learn his challenge rating and that he is a vampire, but not what his name is).

Universal Activator


While wearing this earth human-made pendant, you ignore all class, race, spell, and level requirements on attuning to or using a magic item.

Universal Translator


While wearing this small device on your ear, you can replicate the effects of the comprehend languages spell at will.

Weapon Mount


With one minute of preparation a weapon mount can be affixed to a 5’x5’ empty space on a solid surface. As an action a creature can affix a Mounted firearm or heavy crossbow to the mount. While affixed, the weapon cannot be moved from that surface until an action is used to detach the firearm but any creature using it ignores the weapon’s heavy property’s normal Strength requirement.

Weapon Sling


A weapon sling is a strap which attaches to a two-handed ranged weapon (typically a firearm) and is worn on the body, usually over a shoulder. When you drop a weapon or would be disarmed of it that is attached to a sling you are wearing, it falls to your side and continues to hang within reach. A creature can remove a sling by using its action to make a grapple check at disadvantage. If it succeeds, you are disarmed of the sling and the weapon attached to it. You can only wield one weapon sling at a time.

X-Ray Spectacles


As an action, you activate these spectacles and gain the ability to see through solid objects to a range of 30 feet. Within that range, you also have darkvision if you don't already have it. This special sight lasts for 1 minute, during such time, you perceive objects as nondescript images of varying colors based on the creature’s body temperature. Once used, cannot be used again until it recharges for 8 hours at a Recharge Station.

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