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Armor, Integrations, and Weapon Attachments

Armor, Integrations, and Weapon Attachments

Armor Integration

Armor integrations can be installed or uninstalled from to a set of medium or heavy armor made of metal over the course of a short rest. You must be proficient in Smith’s Tools or Tinker’s Tools to install or uninstall an integration and have either of these tools on hand to do so. A set of armor can have no more than two integrations at any time, and only one of those integrations can be a major integration.

Adaptive Storage


While this integration is attached, your carrying capacity increases by 20 pounds.



While this integration is attached, this armor does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks.

Integrated Thigh Holster


While this integration is attached, a single pistol or revolver can be stored within it, granting it the concealed property.

Lightweight Materials


While this integration is attached, you ignore the strength requirement for this set of armor.

Magnetized Bracers


While this integration is attached, you can use your bonus action to cause weapons made of metal you have thrown on this turn to return to your hands.

Shield Bracer


While this integration is attached, you can use an action to attach a shield to the bracer. While attached, the shield cannot be disarmed against your will, and can only be removed by you issuing the predesignated command code.

Speed Boosters


While this integration is attached, you gain a 5 foot bonus to your walking speed.

Spring Jumpers


While this integration is attached, your jumping distance is doubled.

Auto-Adrenaline Shots


While this integration is attached, the first time you drop to 0 hit points you do not fall unconscious, as small needles inject you with adrenaline. You remain conscious until the end of your next turn and act as if you were under the effects of the haste spell for this time. If you regain hit points before the end of your next turn, the effects of the haste end.

Once this feature has been used it cannot be used again for 24 hours as the integration harvests more of your naturally produced adrenaline.

Deployment Servos


While this integration is attached, the distance you can throw objects and weapons is doubled.

HB-2249 Guardian


The HB-2249 Guardian comes with an independent recharging backpack that holds it, which is integrated into the armor. The HB-2249 Guardian is an automatic turret with the following modifications:

• Instead of using an action to activate the turret in a fixed position, the turret instead activates and gains a flying speed of 20 feet, and can move this distance before or after it makes an attack.

• The turret’s attacks deal radiant damage instead of piercing damage.

• The turret has 50 charges rather than ammunition.

• The turret can only be active for 4 hours at a time, or until it runs out of ammunition, wherein it needs to be recharged. The turret regains all expended charges and can be activated again after it recharges over the course of 8 hours in the integrated recharging backpack.

Impact Absorption


While this integration is attached you have resistance to bludgeoning damage.

Major Adaptive Storage


The storage device is worn on the back, like a backpack, and is capable of storing up to 500 pounds of equipment on it without counting towards your encumbrance total. While this integration is installed, you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to keep your balance.

Shoulder-Mounted Cannon


The cannon is worn on the back, like a backpack, and produces a shoulder-mounted cannon above your left or right shoulder. The cannon has 4 charges and regains all expended charges every 24 hours. While integrated, you use an action and expend one of its charges to attack one creature you can see within 120 feet of you. The cannon has a +7 to attack rolls and deals 3d10 radiant damage on a hit (you do not include your ability modifier or proficiency bonus to the attack and damage rolls of this weapon). On a hit, creatures within 5 feet of the target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take half of this damage.

While this integration is installed, your movement speed is reduced by 5 feet and cannot be increased by any means.

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