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Set of Madness


Set of Madness

Set of Madness

Sometimes when you look into the void, the void looks back. Sometimes it reaches into your mind and fires so many synapses at once, a seizure is induced, and when your mind comes forth, you are forever changed into something else. You see the world through the eyes of a madman, questioning whether anything you see is real, or the illusions of the trickster gods having their way with you. While there are illnesses that replicate true madness, this is not a mental debilitation that could be cured, but a result of seeing the veil of reality lifted with a mind not capable of handling the sight.

This set of magical items is suffused with this maddening energy and, with the blessing of the Yellow Lord, could grant you immense power. That is, if your mind can withstand the horrors beyond and within.

Set of Madness. This is part of a set of magical items called the Set of Madness. If you attune to two items in the Set of Madness, you may attune to any other number of items in the set without using an additional attunement slot.

Curse. Each magic item in this set is cursed, and becoming attuned to the item extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the item, keeping it on or near you at all times. While cursed, you wish to find and attune to the remaining items in the Set of Madness.

Armor of Madness

Armor (studded leather), legendary (requires attunement)

This armor looks to be ill-kept and dirty but still maintains it's magical protection. While wearing this armor, you are immune to the charmed, frightened, and incapacitated conditions and cannot become possessed. While attuned to this armor however, you become afflicted with a random long-term madness every day at dawn. The madness last until the next dawn, where it is replaced with a new long-term madness. This madness cannot be removed by any means short of the direct intervention of a god.

Creeping Madness. A swirling sphere of yellow energy spreads from a point you choose within 120 feet to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere for 10 minutes, or until you lose concentration on this effect, as if it were a spell. The sphere spreads around corners. Inside the area, creatures are blinded by the blinding yellow light, and creatures outside of the area cannot see into or through the sphere unless they have truesight. Mad laughter, shrieks of pain, and the sounds of gnashing teeth can be heard within the sphere. Whenever a creature starts its turn in the sphere, it must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking 6d8 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Once this property of the armor has been used it cannot be used again until the next dusk.

Stacking Madness. This armor gains a +1 bonus to it's Armor Class for each item in the Set of Madness you are attuned to.

Eye of the Mad God

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

To attune to this chipped glass eye you must embed it into one of your empty eye sockets, if you do not have one you must make one to attune to the eye. While the Eye of the Mas God is embedded in your eye socket, it can’t be removed by anyone other than you, and you can see through it as though it were a normal eye. In addition, you gain truesight out to a range of 30 feet.

Yellow Robes

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

These dirty and tattered yellow robes act as a ring of mind shielding. Though frayed and falling apart, the robe never fully rips. As an action, the robes flare with yellow tentacles, lashing out at enemies in a 30-foot cone originating from you. Creatures in the area must succeed a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 10d6 lightning damage, or half as much on a success. Once you have used this property of the robes, you cannot use it again until the next dusk.

Whaler’s Hook

Weapon (war pick), uncommon (requires attunement by a cleric, warlock, or monk)

This whaling hook is coated in dried blood, but hardly any of it looks to be from a whale. If the hook is observed closely with a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception), one can see tiny yellow tentacles writhing from handle. While holding this hook, it acts as a war pick, +1, and you are considered proficient with it.

If you are attuned to the hook, you can use your bonus action to expend a charge to cause the hook to flare a strange yellow light. The next time you hit a creature with the hook within the next minute, the attack deals an additional 1d8 psychic damage. Additionally, the creature must succeed a Charisma saving throw equal to your spell save DC or ki saving throw DC. On a failure, you brand the creature with the Yellow Mark until the end of its next turn. While branded, target must use its action before moving to make an attack against a creature other than itself that you mentally choose. The target can act normally on its turn if you choose no creature or it cannot make an attack against another creature.

Once you have used this feature of the hook, you cannot do so again until the next dusk.

Blank Mask

Wondrous Item, common (requires attunement)

While wearing this blank wooden mask, you are immune to magic that allows other creatures to read your thoughts or know your alignment. In addition, creatures can telepathically communicate with you only if you allow it.

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