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New Potions


New Potions

New Potions

Witchen magics, specifically the coven of alchemy, have created many of the potions used throughout the System today. As well, more unique potions remain locked beyond oral traditions and ancient secrets. The following new potions are listed in alphabetical order.

Potion of Animal Speaking

Potion, common

After you consume this potion, you gain the benefits of the speak with animals for the next hour.

Potion of Fluttering Silence

Potion, uncommon

When you drink this potion, which appears like a contained superfluid, your ears detach from your head and flutter away into the Astral Sea. You become the center of a 20-foot radius sphere of magical silence. The effect moves with you, and lasts for 1 minute.

After the effect ends, you quickly grow new ears.

Potion of Protection from Divinity

Potion, uncommon

After drinking this potion, you are magically protected against paladins, clerics, and celestials for the next hour. These creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against you, and you can't be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them. If you are already charmed, frightened, or possessed by one of these creatures, you have advantage on any new saving throw against the effect.

Potion of Radiant Glow

Potion, common

After drinking this faintly glowing potion, you shed light for 1 hour. You shed bright radiant light of your color choice in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.

Moonwater Elixir

Potion, rare

This water has been blessed by a high priestess of Ofra, Sorcerer of the Great Moon. When you consume this sparkling effervescent potion, you gain 10 temporary hit points. Additionally, for the next hour, whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.

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