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23 Wonderous Items


23 Wonderous Items

Amulet of Dreams

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a bard, druid, wizard, or cleric)

While wearing this amulet, you can use an action to cast the detect thoughts spell (save DC 15) from it. As long as you maintain concentration on the spell, you can use a bonus action to send a telepathic message to a creature you are focused on. It can reply--using a bonus action to do so--while your focus on it continues.  You can also use the amulet to cast detect thoughts on a sleeping creature and observe what they are dreaming of, if they are dreaming.

While focusing on a creature with detect thoughts, you can use an action to cast the suggestion or dream spells (save DC 15) from the amulet on that creature. Once you have cast either of these spells from the amulet you cannot use that spell from the amulet until the next dawn.

Amulet of Fear

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

The Amulet of Fear summons the power, chaos, and madness of the Plane of Pandemonium to protect its wearer.  The amulet has 6 charges and regains 1d4+2 charges at dusk.  Whenever the wearer is hit by an attack they can use their reaction to expend a charge from the amulet and attempt to frighten the attacking creature.  The attacking creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or direct the attack at another creature and becomes frightened of the wearer until the end of the target's next turn.  If the target can not attack any other creature on its turn, it instead loses the attack.

Each time the amulet is used on the same creature, the spell save DC decreases by 2.  If a creature saves against the amulet, it is immune to its effects for 24 hours.

Amulet of Rage

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement by a barbarian or fighter)

This amulet was crafted to help those with the martial skill and anger inside of them to focus that anger towards their enemies.  While wearing this amulet and wielding a nonmagical melee weapon, the weapon becomes magical until you let go, and gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

While wearing this amulet, you can expend a use of your Rage, Second Wind, or Action Surge feature without expending one of the feature's uses.  Once you have used this feature you cannot do so again until the next dawn.

Amulet of the Chromatic Creator

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This amulet is infused with the divine energy of the Chromatic Creator, and grants her blessing to whomever wears it.  While wearing this magical amulet, the first time you are reduced to 0 hit points you instead regain 20 hit points.  If at the end of your next turn you have less than 20 hit points, you are reduced to 0 hit points.

Once the amulet's property has been used it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Amulet of Toughness

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

While attuned to this magic amulet, your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to twice your level.

Antimagic Bracelet

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This bracelet fits snuggly around the wrist of the wearer's dominant hand and is made of solid gold.  If the wielder is ambidextrous they can choose which wrist they place it on.  While wearing this bracelet, the wearer can cast dispel magic without expended a spell slot and can also cast this spell using any spell slots they have of the appropriate level.

In addition, the wearer can expend additional spell slots to increase the level the spell is cast.  For each spell slot expended, the casting of the dispel magic spell increases by the total spell levels.  For example, if the wearer casts dispel magic, and expends an additional 1st and 2nd level spell slot, they are able to cast dispel magic at 6th level, rather than 3rd.

Once you have used the bracelet to cast dispel magic without expending a spell slot or use the bracelet to increase the casting level of dispel magic you can not use that feature again until the next dawn. 

Banner of Conquest

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a paladin)

This banner can be held in a single hand or attached to a suit of armor.  As an action, you can expend a use of your Channel Divinity to create an aura of bright light in a 10 foot radius for one minute or until the effect ends.  While the aura is active, choose from one of the following effects at the start of each of your turns.  Each effect only effects creatures of your choice in the aura (including yourself).

  • Creatures gain +1 to AC until the start of your next turn.

  • Creatures heal 1d8 + your proficiency bonus hit points at the start of your turn.

  • Creatures may add your proficiency bonus to their attack rolls until the start of your next turn.

  • Creatures deal an additional 1d6 radiant damage on attack damage rolls until the start of your next turn.

Once activated, you must use your bonus action on each of your turns to maintain the aura.  

Bracer of the Crawling Claw

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

After attuning to this bracer, one hand is chopped off, and removed from your body.  The hand uses the statistics of a Crawling Claw, and can be used in the same fashion of a familiar as per the find familiar spell while it is removed from your body.  The hand can be reattached as an action, or removed from you as a bonus action.  In combat, the hand shares your initiative, but take's its turn immediately after yours. If the claw dies while removed from you, a new hand grows from the bracer, attaching itself to you after 24 hours.

Bracers of Iron Defenses

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement by a witch, wizard or sorcerer)

These iron bracers are akin to gauntlets.  While traditional bracers of this variety are lighter and more designed for appearance, these bracers are reinforced with thin iron plates suffused with protective runic magic.  While wearing these bracers, you gain a +4 bonus to AC if you are wearing no armor and using no shield.

Chicken Chapeau

Wondrous Item, common

This rustically styled chapeau is adorned in chicken feathers.  They occasionally far off but new ones are grown to replace them.  While wearing this chapeau, you can speak with chickens of any creature type.

Cow Cap

Wondrous Item, common

This wide-brimmed cap has two small bull's horns on each side.  While wearing it, you can speak with cows, bulls, and other bovine beasts.

Cup of Osim

Wondrous Item, common

This small silver chalice can hold 1 cup of liquid.  If water (potable or otherwise) is poured into the cup, it is magically purified of any poisons or diseases and transforms into fine wine or liqueur.

Emergency Dissolving Ship

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This wooden cube is about an inch across and covered in scrimshaw of sailors adrift at sea. When it is placed into a body of water more than 10 feet deep as an action, it begins transforming into an emergency vessel. After one minute of transforming, the cube becomes becomes a rowboat. 

  • 24 hours after this transformation, the rowboat transforms into a keelboat.

  • 24 hours after this transformation, the keelboat transforms into a sailing ship.

  • 24 hours after this transformation, the sailing ship transforms into a galley.

  • 24 hours after this transformation the galley dissolves into wet sawdust.

Explorer's Badge

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

An Explorer's Badge is given out by established government bodies seeking the furthest corners of the multiverse.  An Explorer's Badge is designated to an exclusive group of individuals, and only individuals within that group are able to use the given badge.  While wearing this badge, you gain a +2 to your Armor Class if you are not wielding a shield.

Hat of Many Hats

Wondrous Item, common

While wearing this hat, you can use a bonus action to change the style, color, and apparent quality of the hat. The hat's weight doesn’t change. Regardless of its appearance, the hat can’t be anything but a hat. This hat can not be turned into a full helm, as the magical properties of the hat end above the wearer's eyes.  Although it can duplicate the appearance of other magic hats, it doesn’t gain their magical properties.

Hot Towel

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This towel is heated to the perfect temperature to induce a catatonic state of bliss and comfort. 

While the towel is contained in it's magical pouch, it remains at this perfect temperature until it is taken from the pouch.  When placed on a nonhostile creature's face that's sitting or prone, the creature becomes blinded and must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or become incapacitated for 1 minute, or until the creature takes damage.  A creature can willingly fail the saving throw.  If a creature wears the Hot Towel for the entire minute without interruption after failing the saving throw, the creature reduces their level of exhaustion by one and regains 1d4 hit points. 

Iron Circlet of Concentration

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

When a creature fails a concentration check while wearing this circlet, they may chose to succeed instead.  This ability can not be used again until you finish a long rest.

Ironbound Boots

Wondrous Item, uncommon

While you wear these ironclad boots, your speed is reduced by 5 feet, and you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.  As an action you can move up to your movement speed to move in a strait line.  At the end of that line you can force a creature within 5 feet of you to make a Dexterity saving throw.  The saving throw equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier.  On a failure, the creature takes 3d10 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone.

These boots are incredibly heavy, and require a creature with a Strength score of 15 or higher to be worn effectively.  

Jester's Hat

Wondrous Item, common (requires attunement)

While wearing this red and blue colored jester's hat with bells at the end of the tips, you have advantage on saving throws against the frightened condition and disadvantage on saving throws against charmed spells and other magical compulsions.

Librarian's Monocle

Wondrous Item, common

While wearing this golden rimmed monocle, you gain advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to find books, manuscripts, or other writings while in a library or similar repository.

Projector Deflector

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

This blue stone pulses with magical electro-magnetic forces, waiting to deflect incoming projectiles.  The deflector comes with three charges and regains all expended uses daily at dawn.  When you or a creature within thirty feet of you is targeted by a ranged weapon attack, you can expend a charge to active the deflector.  If you or the target of the attack are hit, the projectile is deflected back at the attacker, using the original attack roll against the attacker.

If the attacker is hit by the projectile, they take an additional 2d6 force damage, and must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Self-Deploying Trap

Wondrous Item, common

A deployable trap works identically to a hunting trap, but with a few magical enchantments to make it easier to use in combat.  This trap weighs only 3 pounds and can be thrown to a location within 120 feet of you, landing, and setting itself.  If a creature is in the location the trap is thrown, the creature automatically triggers the trap.  Once the trap has been used in this way, it remains a nonmagical hunting trap until the next dawn.

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