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Divine Greed Domain


Those who are clerics of Divine Greed value wealth and gold above all else. Those who follow this domain seek to accumulate as much treasure as possible to better help those around them.  To these clerics greed is, in fact, good.

Divine Greed Spells

As a cleric of Divine Greed, you gain access to certain spells as you gain levels in this class as shown on the Divine Greed Spells table.

Acquisitive Magic

At 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills and with your choice of Jeweler's Tools of Calligrapher’s Supplies.  You also learn the mage hand cantrip which counts as a cleric spell for you.

Additionally, when you cast a Cleric cantrip that normally targets only one creature and does not deal damage, the spell can instead target two creatures within range.  Additionally, any Cleric cantrip you cast that does not deal damage and has a range of touch instead has a range of 30 feet.

Divine Fortune

At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to bless yourself or an ally with divine fortune. As an action, you can grant a pool of temporary hit points to any number of creatures within 30 feet of you. The total number of temporary hit points equals 3 times your cleric level. You can also spend gold up to your cleric level to increase the number of temporary hit points in the pool by 1 for every gold piece spent. 

Divine Bank

Starting at 6th level, your desire for wealth and treasure has driven you to create a secure location for your wealth.  You have formed a pocket dimension that can contain a number of coins equal to your cleric level x 100.  You can use an action to open or close a 1 foot by 1 foot portal to the pocket dimension.  While open, you can take out or put in any coins as if it were an open container.  

Every time you gain a level in this class, the total gold piece value of coins in the bank instantly increases by 10%.  If this results in a gain of less than one coin of the same type, a requisite number of smaller denomination coins are created.  If the pocket dimension is ever full, no coins can be accrued until space is made.

Lastly, when you cast a Cleric spell with a material component that is consumed and costs gold, you may instead replace that component with gold exclusively from your Divine Bank, at a 10% increase to the cost.

Wealthy Spellcasting

Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip

Spell-Fueling Gold

Starting at 17th level, when you can cast any of your Divine Greed spells you can do so by spending gold equal to the level of the spell x 200 from your Divine Bank..

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